Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013

Khartoum and Port Sudan - Sudan 2006 bis 2013

Security - Sleeping well at Port Sudan
Sunday family excursion

Dancing at Port Sudan

Water Car at Port Sudan

Port of Port Sudan

Tuc Tuc at Port Sudan

Door in the Wall - Port Sudan

Hotel in Khartoum

Hotel in Khartoum

Hotel in Khartoum

Hotel in Khartoum

Sandstorm at Khartoum


Destroyed City of Suakim

 Destroyed City of Suakim
 Destroyed City of Suakim
Destroyed City of Suakim

Destroyed City of Suakim
Transport at Port Sudan

Transport at Port Sudan

Transport near Port Sudan
Pause at the port

Dock workers without shoes
Port Operation at Port Sudan SPC
The new Container Terminal of Port Sudan (2013)
Lake in the Mountains near Port Sudan
Poor living place in the mountains of Port Sudan
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With the tugboat to the light house at the rif of Port Sudan

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